Prepping - Looking Beyond Canned Goods

Prepping - Looking Beyond Canned Goods

Prepping for survival can be overwhelming. Are we preparing for a short-term power outage or an extended grid-down scenario? While it's crucial to be ready for any situation, some key areas deserve special attention:

1. Food Storage
You can't stockpile enough food for an indefinite blackout, but you should have enough to transition to a sustainable food source. Stockpile non-perishable items like canned goods, rice, beans, and freeze-dried meals. Remember, you'll need more calories for increased physical activity. Rotate your stock to keep it fresh, and consider growing your own food if possible.

2. Medical Supplies
In a long-term societal breakdown, hospitals may not be safe or accessible. Stock up on layperson medical books that provide practical, straightforward remedies. Avoid complex textbooks meant for professionals and focus on guides that teach basic first aid, wound care, and natural remedies. Having a well-stocked medical kit with bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and other essentials is crucial.

3. Water
Water is life. Ensure you have a non-municipal source of clean water, such as a well, rainwater collection system, or a nearby stream. Invest in high-quality water filters and purification tablets. Store a substantial amount of bottled water, but also have a plan to obtain and purify water in case your stored supply runs out.

4. Sanitation
Be prepared to block all sewage lines in your home to prevent contamination. Sewage backflow can create unsanitary and hazardous conditions. Consider setting up an outhouse or a composting toilet system. Have a supply of sanitation essentials like toilet paper, soap, and disinfectants to maintain hygiene.

5. Community
Build a network of trustworthy, hardworking individuals. Security is resource-intensive; ensure you have excess trade items and know who you can rely on. Form alliances with neighbors and other like-minded individuals. In times of crisis, a strong community can provide mutual support, security, and resource sharing.

6. Health and Sobriety
Your body will become a machine of labor. Stay healthy and sober to maintain a clear mind and strong body. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding harmful substances are essential. Your physical and mental health are your most valuable assets in a survival scenario.

7. Geographical Considerations
Prep according to your location. Preppers in Texas have different needs than those in Alaska. Consider the climate, natural resources, and potential hazards in your area. Tailor your preparations to address the specific challenges of your environment.

8. Dogs
Dogs are invaluable in a survival situation. They provide security, companionship, and can even be a food source if necessary. Train your dogs to assist with guarding your property and alerting you to potential threats. They are loyal and protective, making them excellent assets.

9. Learn Old-School Skills
Study life skills and mechanics from 100 years ago. Modern conveniences may not be available, so understanding how to grow food, raise livestock, and perform basic repairs is crucial. Skills like sewing, carpentry, and blacksmithing can be incredibly valuable.

10. Renewable Resources
Utilize renewable resources to adapt to post-event circumstances. Solar panels, wind turbines, and hand-powered tools can provide energy and functionality without relying on modern infrastructure. Focus on sustainable practices that reduce dependency on non-renewable resources.

11. Ammunition
Load your own ammo and choose common calibers like .22lr, 12g shotgun, 9mm, .223/5.56, and others for easy replenishment. Ammunition will be a critical resource for hunting and defense. Having the ability to reload your own ammo ensures a steady supply even when commercial options are unavailable.

12. Living Arrangements
Prepare for loved ones to join you. Have long-term sleeping solutions like cots and pull-out couches. Maximize your living space to accommodate additional people. Plan for the increased need for food, water, and other resources. A well-organized and prepared household can handle the influx of family and friends seeking refuge.

13. Generosity
Maintain your humanity. Be prepared to help others beyond your immediate circle, whether for moral reasons or practical community building. Sharing resources and providing aid can strengthen bonds and create a more resilient community. In a survival situation, generosity can foster trust and cooperation.

Preparedness isn’t just about stockpiling resources; it’s about building a resilient lifestyle. Stay ready, stay resilient, and never stop learning. Remember, the best time to prepare was yesterday. The second-best time is now.

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